


:?: I want to comply with the EU Cookie Law and need to know what kind of cookies DokuWiki uses?

:!: A default installation of DokuWiki sets three cookies.

As you can see, the default cookies required are functional cookies only. No tracking is implemented with these cookies.


Used for authentication after login. This holds the necessary data to (re)login a previously authenticated user.

  • Importance: necessary for anyone who needs to log in
  • Typical content: encrypted username and password
  • Expires: in a year 1)


Used for remembering helpful user preferences, like the size of the editor textarea.

  • Importance: functional
  • Typical content: name/value pairs in plain text
  • Expires: in a year


The standard PHP session identifier. Used to hold temporary data and to avoid CSRF attacks.

  • Importance: necessary
  • Typical content: random ID
  • Expires: at the end of the browser session
if „Remember me“ was checked when logging in, otherwise: at the end of the browser session
Diese Website verwendet Cookies. Durch die Nutzung der Website stimmen Sie dem Speichern von Cookies auf Ihrem Computer zu. Außerdem bestätigen Sie, dass Sie unsere Datenschutzbestimmungen gelesen und verstanden haben. Wenn Sie nicht einverstanden sind, verlassen Sie die Website.Weitere Information